Demystifying Dual GND Filters: Why Graduated Neutral Density Filters are worth buying for Balanced Exposures.
Getting that perfect shot where both the landscape and the sky look great can be trickier than it seems!
It is a common struggle in the professional photography Singapore area when dealing with high-contrast scenes. You often end up with a blown-out sky when you expose for the ground and if you expose for the sky, your foreground goes too dark. It is like a balancing act in photography, juggling the light to capture that stunning shot where everything shines.
The cool thing about this problem is that we have already got answers for it!
And in this case, there is a super simple solution that stands out: Graduated Neutral Density Filters also known as GND Filters.
In the realm of professional photography Singapore, what exactly does a GND Filter mean?
A GND filter is a game changer in the world of professional photography Singapore. The filter has a portion that is darkened, positioned in front of the camera lens. Its main function is to reduce the amount of light reaching the camera sensor much like a standard variable ND filter or ND 1000 filter.
What sets these two apart is that only the upper section of the GND is darkened, leaving the rest transparent. This unique design enables a photographer to darken a specific area within the frame while keeping the rest unchanged.

Types of GND Filters
There are several types to choose from, each with its own unique features and applications.
1. Soft GND filter
A soft-edged GND has a clear to dark transition that is quite gradual. This kind of filter works well in situations when the foreground and background change gradually or abruptly. In most cases, these filters are best used when one is photographing away from a direct light source.
2. Hard GND filter
Hard-edged GND filters have a sudden shift from dark to clear, ideal for scenes featuring an immediate transition from the foreground to the sky. This is especially suited for landscapes lacking protruding elements above the horizon. The filter's quick change ensures a crisp distinction between the two areas making it perfect for capturing these types of scenes.
3. Reverse GND filter
Reverse GNDs are essentially Hard GND filters with the deepest tones fading as you approach the upper border of the filter from the line of separation. They are ideal for professional photography Singapore of sunrises and sunsets since the horizon line receives more intense light.
4. Dual GND filter
The dual GND filter is the latest and most unique innovation in Graduated Neutral Density filters. This premium filter offers a unique feature, it allows photographers to achieve three distinct effects- Soft GND, Hard GND and Reverse GND, all with a single filter. This versatility is achieved by adjusting the insertion direction of dual GND filter within the filter holder, whether from top to bottom or vice versa. Additionally, by positioning the highest density area of the dual GND filter at the center of the holder frame, you can also access the effects of a Reverse GND filter. The dual GND filter opens up a world of creative possibilities for photographers.
When it comes to capturing breathtaking landscapes in the world of professional photography Singapore, where achieving that perfect landscape shot is paramount, there is a plethora of filters at a photographer’s disposal for balancing exposures. From the instant Variable ND Filter to the light-controlling ND 1000 Filter and the ever-reliable nd64 Filter, the options are vast. However, among these, the Dual GND Filter stands out.
What is the difference between Dual GND Filter and other filters while shooting exposed landscapes ?
Here is a comparison between commonly used filters and the dual GND filter when it comes to achieving the ideal exposures for your shot.
1. Variable ND filter VS dual GND filter:
Dual GND filters and variable ND filters serve distinct purposes in photography. Dual GND filters are designed to address exposure imbalances within a scene, particularly in situations where there is a pronounced difference between a bright sky and a darker foreground. On the other hand, a variable ND filter offers an adjustable light reduction through a rotating front element controlling exposure levels in changing lighting conditions. Variable ND filter is a tool used for achieving long exposures or using wide apertures in bright environments.
2. ND 1000 filter VS dual GND filter:
The primary difference between a dual GND filter and an ND 1000 Filter lies in their function and impact on light exposure in photography. Dual GND filter is tailored for scenes with uneven lighting. Conversely, ND 1000 filters are solid uniformly reducing light by a fixed factor (typically 10 stops) across the entire frame. This uniform reduction is particularly useful for achieving extended exposure times or using wide apertures in bright conditions. ND1000 filter serve specific creative and technical purposes with their consistent light-reduction capability.
3. ND64 filter VS dual GND filter:
A dual GND filter features a gradient density, effectively balancing exposure in scenes with varying brightness, often used to capture both the sky and the landscape in a single shot. Conversely, an ND64 filter maintains an even density throughout reducing light uniformly by 6 stops to achieve specific exposure effects like long exposures or wider apertures in bright conditions. While dual GND filters address scenes with disparate brightness, ND64 filter is a versatile tool for controlling light intensity uniformly catering to various professional photography Singapore needs.
Why are Dual GND filters best when it comes to shooting landscapes with balanced exposures ?
Dual GND filters are the go-to solution in professional photography Singapore when tackling over-exposed landscapes. Their superiority lies in their ability to efficiently manage exposure right at the moment of capture, eliminating the need for time-consuming post-editing processes. These filters offer the unique advantage of combining the effects of three different types of lenses into one—soft, hard and reverse GND filters. This versatility enables professional photography Singapore with more flexibility to adapt to a wide range of landscape scenarios, each with its unique exposure challenges.
Whether capturing the vibrant colours of a Singaporean sunset or the lush greenery of its landscapes, A dual GND filter offers unmatched versatility and quality for photographers seeking perfection in their craft.